Where are you from originally and what town do you live in now?
I’m originally from Central NY, worked and lived in New York City for 15 years, our family exapanded and now live in Central NY with my family.
How many children do you have and what are their age(s)?
My husband and I have four children, three daughers and a son: Natalie (11), Sophie (8) and our twins Alexander and Allison (6).
What’s your favorite family activity in Central NY?
Since we were city living for so long (and visit frequently) I would have to say the local farms. The kids love the farm animals and we all enjoy the local farm to table food.
What’s one thing people would be surprised to know about you?
When I was working on the Wall Street trading floors I needed a creative outlet so I enrolled into The Institute of Culinary Education on 23rd street in NYC. Cooking is in my blood. My grandparents owned and operated a successful Lebanese restaurant and my mother who is an entrepreneur (along with my father), raised four kids is an excellent cook. Yes, I may have a culinary degree but being first generation American and learning so many valuable techniques from my grandmother and mother is where I learned things that books just can’t teach you.

Any tips for balancing work & motherhood?
Yes! Every single day I show up and try my best. Every single day you need to do something for yourself even if that’s small. Somedays I can barely shower but having me time for 10 minutes is everything somedays. It could simply be drinking your coffee alone or a brisk walk in between my business calls. My kids are my everything and they will always be my top priority, but I do try to squeeze myself in everyday even if it’s 10 mins.
What is the best piece of mom advice you ever received?
This was advice from my grandmother and mother. My grandmother was a mother of five and my mom is a mother of four — they both said to me “have something of your own, when you have children, don’t stop what you love to do, continue to work and have something of your own outside of motherhood. Don’t forget about you”. Now as a mother of four, I absolutely love being a working mother.
What’s your favorite thing to do when you need some “me” time?
You would probably think sleep, but its not! I wake up everyday at 5am with my daughter, Natalie, for school and get the most out of my day. I have black coffee and get to work. I love to do my peloton, Baptiste yoga or read a great book.